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International Project Cargo

Project Cargo” brings together all those goods, extra-heavy and oversized, as well as production lines and special shipments, which require handling and transport procedures that meet certain restraining conditions.

From perishable agricultural products, which require strict temperature control during their transfer, to equipment for mining, construction or industrial projects, the wingspan of which requires special care, make up the loads that are within this group.



Road Transport

The transport of project cargo in Mexico, or “Project Cargo”, lies in those loads that by their weights and dimensions exceed the limits established by the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT for its initials in Spanish) to be able to travel on the roads of the country.

Maximum legal weight: 19 tons.

Maximum legal dimensions: Length: 12 meters.

Width: 2.35 meters.

Height: 2.70 meters

From here, it is considered that various elements and risks other than those common should be projected for the rest of the transport of goods, both in their terrestrial, maritime or air phase.

In Mexico, legislation dealing with the Transport of Oversized Goods is stipulated in NOM 012 and NOM 087 issued by the SCT (Secretariat of Communications and Transport), in cases of duly qualified exception, , the Authority may authorize the movement of vehicles exceeding the dimensions or weights set at most, with the precautions provided for in each case. This authorization must be communicated, in a timely manner for the movement of such vehicles.

Such authorizations shall be subject to a charge.

In the meantime, with regard to its operation, the main points to be taken into account have to do with the condition of the load and the precautions corresponding to it. First, the load condition and the overseeing level will establish the speed at which the route can be traveled, and additionally determine the need to use or not escort.

Vehicles for Road Transport

The most commonly used are “low bed” trailers, which can be adaptable in their length and width, and have a sufficient number of axes to withstand the weight of this type of goods.

The main points of the Oversized Cargo Road Transport are to do with the determination of the correct equipment to use, to have the correct coordination for the use of roads, especially in urban sectors, and logistical support in the field, considering that for long distances there should be effective coordination for processes such as driver relief and fuel loading.


The Legislation takes into account access and exit and from ports in the country, including mainly coordination with the Port Authority and the General Administration of Customs, so that the entry of the goods, their capacity (revision) and cargo in the ship is carried out expeditiously, avoiding time loss or delays in bureaucratic processes.

For the operation it is necessary to establish a high level of coordination with all actors for loading and unloading the product to and from the ship. Preparation work should be carried out with dedication and concentration, and all variables relating to the operation should be taken into account.

This will require a Load Operator with the ability to set minimum requirements based on the following aspects:

  • Load size and possibility to occupy a Flat Rack Container for transporting it. Establish stowage conditions, taking into account that the cargo may have special weight conditions at one end or side, which must be transmitted to the Stowage Company working in the Port or directly to the Port Operator and the Shipping Transport.
  • Have a carve certificate.
  • Establish the weight conditions for lifting the cargo from the dock to the ship.
  • All these coordination must be carried out both in the Port of Origin and in the Port of Destination, which is of greater importance to the Cargo Agent or Multimodal Transport Operator that supports the management of the operation.

Mainly, in this mode of transport, the transport operator’s coordination capacity and, above all, its management capacity on bureaucratic issues such as customs issues, port clearance permits, and its Capacity and, above all, its management capacity on bureaucratic issues such as customs issues, port clearance permits, and its coordination with the different bodies that will participate in the operation.